MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum


Another GoPro test
Testing some new camera angles with loops over a fixed point.
tagGoPro tagAerobatics2021last edited: 29-03-2021
"Aerobatics" in New Zealand
No narration unfortunately as my mike was turned off. Although many people will regard that as fortunate indeed! I tried a short field take-off and landing, with an inverted run up the field and various other shenanigans over beautiful Wellington. Enjoy!
New Zealand   New Zealand flight_takeoffNZWN Wellington tagAerobatics2021last edited: 05-05-2021
These images from the ACMI tool show some accurate flying in the F-22 by Rob "Bomber" Henderson.
airline_seat_recline_extraF-22 Total Air War personRob "Bomber" Henderson tagACMI tagAerobatics2006last edited: 22-08-2022
Aviat Pitts Special in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
The Pitts Special demonstrates superlative object modelling by Asobo Studios.
airline_seat_recline_extraMSFS 2020 local_airportAviat Pitts Special precision_manufacturingAsobo precision_manufacturingAviat tagAerobatics tagObject Model2023last edited: 19-11-2023
Aerobatics --/o\-- IRL (In Real Life) and Flight Simulation
tagAerobatics2021last edited: 11-03-2021
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