MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum


Good airmanship involves using good judgement and appropriate skill sets to operate your aircraft safely and efficiently. | Airmanship 101: Aviate > Navigate > Communicate
tagAirmanship tagDefinition
MSFS has some great tools to help you get an understanding of your plane's aerodynamics.
tagAirmanship tagAerodynamics tagComputational Fluid Dynamics tagFlight Model
Many of the missions in MiGMan’s World Tour fly past bush strips and grass airfields, giving you the opportunity to practice touch and go’s. Or you can even land there and take a break before continuing your trip. I will personally often extend a flight to several hours this way, having a cuppa IRL with the sim paused. I’ll leave the sim on "Active Pause" and watch the clouds blow across the sky.
tagAirmanship tagBush Strip
Aviate, Navigate, then Communicate. Prioritise then solve the problem.
tagAirmanship tagEmergency tagTest Pilot
It is a traditional joke amongst pilots to refer to two VFR techniques of navigation: I Follow Rivers and I Follow Roads. as IFR, which actually refers to an ’Instrument Flight Rating’.
tagAirmanship tagI Follow Rivers
It is a traditional joke amongst pilots to refer to two VFR techniques of navigation: I Follow Rivers and I Follow Roads. as IFR, which actually refers to an ’Instrument Flight Rating’.
tagAirmanship tagI Follow Roads
Laying smoke is a great way to review and tighten up your manoeuvering skills.
tagAirmanship tagSmoke
Thinking ahead is key to surviving in valleys.
tagAirmanship tagCanyon runs & Mach Loops
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