MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum


Maps of all the locations and Points of Interest in the MiGMan’s World Tour products.
airline_seat_recline_extraMiGMan’s World Tour tagIndex tagHomepage tagNavigation
" The following comments are added to give some idea of the depth of thought that was put into producing this amazing simulation and as a salute to the people who brought it to life. This is a simulation for those who are prepared to work, who enjoy success and the feeling of pride in achievement." - Don "Splash One" Beckley.
airline_seat_recline_extraJet-Pilot local_airportEnglish Electric Lightning precision_manufacturingVulcan Software personDon "Splash One" Beckley tagGuide tagAA: Intercept tagAA: Radar Guided tagNavigation2001
Click the title to see all articles on this topic in the Flight Sim Museum.
tagAirmanship tagNavigation
Garmin --/o\-- Navigation Equipment
precision_manufacturingGarmin tagNavigation tagDisplay tagCockpit2021last edited: 11-03-2021
compare_arrowshttp://airnav.com/  (external link)
US approach charts, frequencies and more. Great flight sim aid.
USA   USA tagNavigation tagATC tagEditoriallast edited: 25-09-2020
Navigation IRL (In Real Life) and Flight Simulation
tagNavigation2021last edited: 11-03-2021
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