MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Atmospheric Perspective

The MSCFS engine exaggerated the "blue shift" to great effect, creating an effective sense of distance and depth.
airline_seat_recline_extraRed Star over Korea tagAtmospheric Perspective tagGraphics2002last edited: 25-03-2024
The lowering of a colour's chroma, which occurs with distance and is one of the main ways we perceive distance in a landscape.
tagAtmospheric Perspectivelast edited: 07-08-2023
Atmospheric Perspective in Flight Simulations
The lowering of a colour's chroma, which occurs with distance and is one of the main ways we perceive distance in a landscape.
precision_manufacturingDC Designs tagAtmospheric Perspective
Reflections of light and colour, often subtle, are one of our strongest cues to visual reality, a subject which was explored with a vengeance by the Impressionist painters. Modern graphics hardware does a great job of rendering reflections in real time.
tagReflection tagGraphics tagAtmospheric Perspective2023
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