For some ?? reason the capture file was only twice the size of my usual stuttery captures, at 630mb instead of ~ 300mb. That's fine, I can live with that. But - HD and no stuttering. So the workflow changes again... I'll do the preflight - map - drone footage in OBS, do the inflight with the Xbox game capture, and splice them together post flight in Windows 'Photos' app.
Patch Frame Rate test --/o\-- Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 --/o\--
Unfortunately I haven't yet optimised my OBS recording pipeline. OBS is running on a second PC and is introducing it's own lag and stutters.
Anyway the FPS counter tallies with what I saw - a smooth experience hovering around 50fps.
After a couple of days research, asking questions on the Prepar3D forum and reading/watching some of
the resources I've linked to here, I came up with a solution which satisfied my requirement of a convincing representation of the fast jet terrain hugging flight profile.
I enjoy flying the F-16 fast and at treetop level... who wouldn't! But at all levels I was getting stuttering and slowdowns. The stuttering being much more immersion breaking that any slowdown. Anyway, cutting to the chase after hours and hours and hours over many nights, I worked out the single most important graphic setting (for my rig). And it's one I would NEVER have guessed.
I enjoy flying the F-16 fast and at treetop level... who wouldn't! But at all levels I was getting stuttering and slowdowns. The stuttering being much more immersion breaking that any slowdown. Anyway, cutting to the chase after hours and hours and hours over many nights, I worked out the single most important graphic setting (for my rig). And it's one I would NEVER have guessed.
The dream of flight seems fundamental to the human condition. From the legend of Icarus to the notion of astral projection it seems to be present in all cultures. On a personal level, surely most of us have had "flying dream" where, escaping the clutches of gravity we seem to be able to float away from our wordly cares. However in years of civilisation it is only in the past (not quite) 100 years that sustained, powered flight has become a reality. And it is only in the past 20 years that the masses have been able to spread their wings in virtual flight.Join me on a humorous reminiscence of some of the high points in 20 Years of flight simming!
I enjoy flying the F-16 fast and at treetop level... who wouldn't! But at all levels I was getting stuttering and slowdowns. The stuttering being much more immersion breaking that any slowdown. Anyway, cutting to the chase after hours and hours and hours over many nights, I worked out the single most important graphic setting (for my rig). And it's one I would NEVER have guessed.