- Visitng other airports on your flight gives you the opportunity to practice touch and go's. Sometimes I'll land at one of these airports to soak up the local colour and have a cuppa. Also, if the weather closes in or you have an in-flight emergency it's good to have alternate landings available.
- airline_seat_recline_extraMiGMan’s World Tour
- tagIndexActivityAirportPoint of Interest
Cardiff, capital of Wales, United Kingdom
- Using only one flight plan from Europe 4, I spent a fun filled week exploring sunny Cardiff, Wales.
- airline_seat_recline_extraEurope 4
United Kingdom- location_cityCardiff
- flight_takeoff
- tagCase StudyActivity
- 2022

- "If you weren't there to see the 1983 eruption of Kilauea on the Big Island, here's your chance to travel back in time. You'll experience first hand, this awesome spectacle of nature. "
- airline_seat_recline_extraMicrosoft Flight Simulator 2002
USA- tagActivity
- 2002

- Great gauges in the static cockpits make learning to fly by instruments a real pleasure in this sim!
- airline_seat_recline_extraMicrosoft Flight Simulator 98
- tagActivity
- 1998 edited: Mar 20, 2024
Air Intercepts
- In these videos I went on a flight from 'MiGMan's World Tour' and by chance was asked to effect an air intercept. *** NOTE *** The chances of finding aircraft to intercept depend on your sim traffic settings. They are not programmed as part of the flight plan.
- airline_seat_recline_extraMiGMan’s World Tour
- tagActivityAA: Intercept
- 2022
Air Show
- Create your own air shows! This is even more fun in those aircraft which carry smoke onboard.
- tagActivityAir Show
- 2021 edited: Sep 9, 2023
Airport Spotting
- With most of the world's 42,000 airports being modelled in Microsoft Flight Simulator you can see the potential. But where to start? To help you out I have created flights out of and around many of the International Airports and also a good number of flights which either take off from or fly over Bush Strips.
- airline_seat_recline_extraMiGMan’s World Tour
- tagActivityAirportBush Strip
- 2022
Carrier Ops in Microsoft Flight Simulator
- tagCarrierActivity
- 2023 edited: May 22, 2023
Coastal flights
- One of the most picturesque and relaxing flights you can take is a coastal flight. Keep the blue on one side and the green on the other and you won’t get lost!
- airline_seat_recline_extraMiGMan’s World Tour
- tagActivityCoastal flights
- 2022 edited: Sep 9, 2023
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in Microsoft Flight Simulator
- "The CFD currently proposed uses a default of 20 x 20 x 20 cubic voxels that englobe the aircraft. When enabled, the simulation will then solve a custom version of the Navier Stokes equations that includes upwind advection solving designed to cope with high fluid velocities. The CFD is solved over each of the voxels by the CPU at a rate of 100 times per second with three global passes per iteration. The load is spread over 5 different threads for minimal cpu impact." - MSFS SDK, 2023
- tagActivityComputational Fluid DynamicsFlight ModelTest Pilot
- 2023 edited: Jun 9, 2023
Crop Dusting
- Crop Dusting is one of the many demanding and niche activities in the world of aviation. We can simulate this in Microsoft Flight Simulator by using aircraft which have the ability to lay smoke.
- tagActivityCrop Dusting
- 2023 edited: Sep 14, 2023
Drone Operator
- Microsoft Flight Simulator allows us to fly a virtual drone. In these videos I showcase locations from MiGMan’s World Tour.
- tagActivityDroneSimulated
- 2021 edited: Apr 4, 2021
- I usually fly with the aircraft set at 100% reliability, but nonetheless encounter the occasional simulated emergency. Learnable situations and fun!
- tagActivityEmergency
- 2021 edited: Sep 8, 2023
Joy Flights
- Operate your own "'Virtual Joy Flight" business and grow your knowlege of a LOCALES in the process.
- tagActivityJoy Flight
- 2023 edited: Sep 7, 2023
Low Level Flight
- Videos of me flying low and fast in sims. Don’t do this at home! Or do, if you’re in a sim.
- tagActivityLow Level Flight
- 2021 edited: Sep 9, 2023
Low Speed Handling --/o\-- Test Pilot for a Day in Microsoft Flight Simulator
- It's both fun and worthwhile to explore the slow end of the envelope in your favourite aircraft. Worthwhile because you will be in this part of the flight envelope on every single landing.
- tagActivityTest PilotLow Speed Handling
Mach 1 | Breaking the Sound Barrier | High Speed Flight
- Breaking the sound barrier is something that very aviation enthusiasts get to experience IRL, but in the sim we can do it every day!
- tagActivityMach 1
- 2023
Mountain Missions
- Mountain climbing in your favourite aircraft is fun and brings it’s own set of challenges.
- airline_seat_recline_extraMiGMan’s World Tour
- tagActivityMountain
- 2022
Observatories and Radio Telescopes
- These technological marvels are also great reference points for your visual navigation.
- tagActivityObservatory
Operation Chimney Sweep
- The many tall chimneys at power stations around the world make a great obstacle course.
- tagActivity
- 2023 edited: Sep 8, 2023
- Open cut mines are a great aid to visual navigation and can even be flown into in a helicopter. It may be possible in a STOL bush aircraft, thought that's something I have not attempted (yet).
- airline_seat_recline_extraMiGMan’s World Tour
- tagActivityOpen-Cut Mine
- 2023

- Something to be avoided IRL, but fun to fly under in a sim.
- tagActivity
- IRL aircraft are used to patrol coasts and identify shipping, that's something which works exceptionally well in the sim.
- tagActivityShip
Smoke | Laying smoke in MSFS
- Laying smoke looks cool, that's for certain. But it also gives you a geat 3D map of your flight path. Fun and educational!
- tagActivityPyrotechnicsSmoke
- 2023 edited: Sep 8, 2023
- Enjoy my 'airmanship'. Everything I know about test piloting I learned on the back cover of a book about Chuck Yeager!
- tagActivityTest PilotSimulated
Test Pilot for a day!
- It's both fun and worthwhile to explore the slow end of the envelope in your favourite aircraft. Worthwhile because you will be in this part of the flight envelope on every single landing.
- tagActivityTest PilotSimulated
Volcano Flights | Operation Vesuvius
- I have't found any active volcanos yet but I alway approach these features with extreme caution!
- airline_seat_recline_extraMiGMan’s World Tour
- tagActivityVolcano
- 2022