MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

YSSY Kingsford Smith Airport

Botany Bay is where Captain James Cook first stepped ashore from HMS Endeavour on April 29th 1770. Initially thinking this to be a suitable site for the 1st settlement, he changed his mind upon sailing 10 miles north to the mouth of what became Sydney Harbour.
airline_seat_recline_extraAustralia 1 Australia   Australia location_cityN.S.W. | Sydney & Surrounds flight_takeoffYSSY Kingsford Smith2022last edited: 15-12-2022
MiGMan flies onto Television: ABC TV's Good Game, 2006
MiGMan gave a Flight Sim Masterclass on the November 14, 2006 episode of Good Game which is presented by ABC - Australia's National Broadcaster.
airline_seat_recline_extraLock On: Modern Air Combatairline_seat_recline_extraMicrosoft Flight Simulator X Australia   Australia flight_takeoffYSSY Kingsford Smith precision_manufacturingMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum personMiGMan tagPress tagMotion2006last edited: 15-03-2021
Sydney at night in a Vought Corsair
Breaking every rule in the book I fly under the Sydney Harbour Bridge, through a football stadium, and frighten the diners 60 floors up in Centrepoint Tower's revolving restaurant! Oh, and it's at night in a Vought Corsair, which Microsoft thoughtfully provided for us in every copy of Flight Sim 2004.
And then I land at Sydney International Airport... probably in the wrong direction...
airline_seat_recline_extraMicrosoft Flight Sim 2004: A Century of Flight Australia   Australia flight_takeoffYSSY Kingsford Smith local_airportGrumman F4U Corsair precision_manufacturingMicrosoft tagSimulated tagMiGMan’s Combat Diary2004
Like most (all?) folks, my first flight in MSFS 2020 just had to be to my childhood home.
airline_seat_recline_extraMSFS 2020 Australia   Australia flight_takeoffYSSY Kingsford Smith personMiGMan tagReview tagGallery2020last edited: 21-06-2021
Douglas DC-3 flight over Sydney, Australia, 2006
On an unusually grey Sydney afternoon in October 2006 MiGMan was a guest of Microsoft at the launch of their new flagship product - Microsoft Flight Simulator X.
The creme-de-la-creme of Australia's gaming journalists gathered at Kingsford Smith Airport, Sydney, and embarked on a champagne flight over Sydney Harbour in a C-47, the military transport version of the Douglas DC-3.
Australia   Australia flight_takeoffYSSY Kingsford Smith local_airport precision_manufacturingMicrosoft personMiGMan tagIRL tagMiGMan’s Combat Diary2006
First Australian Flight Sim Expo 2004
MiGMan was keynote speaker at Australia's first ever Flight Sim Expo, held in the old Ansett terminal at Kingsford Smith International Airport, Sydney.
Australia   Australia flight_takeoffYSSY Kingsford Smith precision_manufacturingMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum personMiGMan tagPress tagFlight Sim Expos2004last edited: 01-01-2004
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