MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

I Follow Rivers

It is a traditional joke amongst pilots to refer to two VFR techniques of navigation: I Follow Rivers and I Follow Roads. as IFR, which actually refers to an ’Instrument Flight Rating’.
tagAirmanship tagI Follow Rivers
I Follow Rivers
IFR actually means 'Instrument Flight Rating', but is a traditional joke amongst pilots to refer to two VFR techniques of navigation: I Follow Rivers and I Follow Roads.
tagActivity tagI Follow Rivers
IFR actually means 'Instrument Flight Rating', but is a traditional joke amongst pilots to refer to two valid VFR techniques of navigation: "I Follow Rivers" and "I Follow Roads".
tagIFR tagI Follow Rivers tagI Follow Roads tagVFRlast edited: 07-08-2023
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