MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum


In my first caching experiment I cached the Williamtown RAAF base near Newcastle. That only used 45mb of space, so this time I set my sights higher. Or broader.
airline_seat_recline_extraMSFS 2020 Australia   Australia personMiGMan tagConfigurationlast edited: 22-10-2020
Signing in and out of Microsoft Flight Sim 2020 can cause some settings to change, so I made this checklist to keep track of them and quickly get the sim back to where you were before.
airline_seat_recline_extraMSFS 2020 tagConfiguration2021last edited: 14-07-2021
MSFS 2020: How to improve the control sensitivity
I still felt that some of my landing problems are controls related so I went looking. This guy is long winded but the gist is to find flight_model.cfg (I think) for your aircraft. Save a backup copy then edit elevator_effectiveness from 1 to maybe 0.1 and similar for pitch and rudder. Fast forward to find this part of vid. Then set the sensitivity to 0.0 so all are back to linear with no dead zone (for me). With my stick, this makes it feel and act much more realistic to me in the XCUB and C152.
airline_seat_recline_extraMSFS 2020 personBruce "FlyingSinger" Irving tagConfigurationlast edited: 29-10-2020
Patch Frame Rate test --/o\-- Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 --/o\--
Unfortunately I haven't yet optimised my OBS recording pipeline. OBS is running on a second PC and is introducing it's own lag and stutters. Anyway the FPS counter tallies with what I saw - a smooth experience hovering around 50fps.
airline_seat_recline_extraMSFS 2020 tagGraphics tagFlight Test tagPatch tagConfiguration2021last edited: 15-04-2021
airline_seat_recline_extraMSFS 2020 tagGuide tagConfiguration2021last edited: 11-03-2021
Oh, the joy of DOS memory management.
airline_seat_recline_extraTFX tagInstall tagMemory Management tagConfiguration1998last edited: 25-02-2024
Backup / restore all your settings || Custom sounds
airline_seat_recline_extraVoice Attack tagVoice Control tagConfiguration2019last edited: 20-04-2024
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