MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Flights featuring Mountains

AboutClick on the title to see an example of the type of content that is in MiGMan’s World Tour.
airline_seat_recline_extraEurope 1 Abkhazia   Abkhazia location_citySokhumi flight_takeoffUGSS Babushara tagCanyon runs & Mach Loops tagCoastal flights tagMountain
Published:2022Last edit:Nov 4, 2022
AboutOne of Australia's most iconic locations, in the Blue Mountains on the western border of Sydney.
airline_seat_recline_extraAustralia 1 Australia   Australia location_cityN.S.W. | Sydney & Surrounds flight_takeoffYSBK Bankstown tagPoint of Interest tagMountain
AboutOne of Australia's most iconic locations, in the Blue Mountains on the western border of Sydney.
airline_seat_recline_extraAustralia 1 Australia   Australia location_cityN.S.W. | Sydney & Surrounds tagPoint of Interest tagMountain
Published:2022Last edit:Dec 13, 2022
Mountain Missions
AboutMountain climbing in your favourite aircraft is fun and brings it’s own set of challenges.
airline_seat_recline_extraMiGMan’s World Tour tagActivity tagMountain
Valleys, Mach Loops & Canyon Runs
AboutTop Guns apply here! A sedate valley flight becomes a 'Mach Loop' when you fly it fast and low!
airline_seat_recline_extraMiGMan’s World Tour tagActivity tagMountain tagCanyon runs & Mach Loops
Valleys, Mach Loops & Canyon Runs | IRL
tagMountain tagCanyon runs & Mach Loops
Published:2023Last edit:Sep 30, 2023
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