MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

Republic F-84 Thunderjet

"The F84 ThunderJet often ran out of runway in the hot Korean weather and was known as the ""Groundhog"" because of this reluctance to become airborne. I noticed fairly quickly in MiG Alley that on take-off it is important to keep the flaps down until the speed has built up and to keep the climb out fairly shallow. Other fliers have reported that a ""flaps up"" setting is best for takeoff, with a very shallow climb out... barely clearing the treetops at about 2 degrees climb angle."
airline_seat_recline_extraMiG Alley South Korea   South Korea local_airportRepublic F-84 Thunderjet personMiGMan1999last edited: 27-07-2022
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