MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum

MiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum


compare_arrowsGuns, Guns, Guns! (Not Really)   (link)
"One of the cool things about Microsoft Flight Simulator is the ability to do multiplayer flights with other players over the internet. I have done quite a few of these, most often group flights where we explore some interesting part of the world while we talk about flying or other things, over Discord or Skype. I've also done flights with my Australian friend Pete (a.k.a. "MiGMan"), often testing out routes in his ongoing MiGMan's World Tour (MMWT) Series. This is an enjoyable social aspect of flight simulation, where airplane nerds can talk with other airplane nerds about airplanes as they pretend to fly them!"
airline_seat_recline_extraEurope 2airline_seat_recline_extraMSFS 2020 Italy   Italy location_cityNaples personBruce "FlyingSinger" Irving personMiGMan tagPodcast tagMultiplayer2022last edited: 07-03-2022
MiGMan and Flying Singer's first flight in MSFS 2020. Snaps from our training missions at NAS Key West. Great weather, great scenery!
USA   USA local_airportAermacchi MB-339 personBruce "FlyingSinger" Irving personMiGMan tagTraining tagMultiplayer2021last edited: 13-07-2021
MiGMan flies onto Television: ABC TV's Good Game, 2006
MiGMan gave a Flight Sim Masterclass on the November 14, 2006 episode of Good Game which is presented by ABC - Australia's National Broadcaster.
airline_seat_recline_extraLock On: Modern Air Combatairline_seat_recline_extraMicrosoft Flight Simulator X Australia   Australia flight_takeoffYSSY Kingsford Smith precision_manufacturingMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum personMiGMan tagPress tagMotion2006last edited: 15-03-2021
MiGMan and Flying Singer flew in Algeria and Greece, practicing station keeping and formation skills while talking about the state of flight sims.
airline_seat_recline_extraMB-339 (IndiaFoxtEcho)airline_seat_recline_extraAfrica 1 local_airportAermacchi MB-339 precision_manufacturingIndia Foxt Echo personMiGMan personBruce "FlyingSinger" Irving tagPodcast tagMultiplayer2022last edited: 12-02-2022
Clash of the Titans Part 2
Practicing formation takeoff, landing and cross IFR (I Follow Roads) with two MB-339's in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.
airline_seat_recline_extraMB-339 (IndiaFoxtEcho) USA   USA local_airportAermacchi MB-339 precision_manufacturingIndia Foxt Echo personMiGMan personBruce "FlyingSinger" Irving tagMultiplayer2021last edited: 13-07-2021
I had great fun with the fast paced missions some 20 years after initial contact. Here is a gallery of some highlights.
airline_seat_recline_extraMiG-29 Fulcrum (Novalogic) local_airportMikoyan Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum personMiGMan tagMiGMan’s Combat Diary2019last edited: 19-03-2024
The P-51 Mustang was apparently known as the F-51 in the Korean War. What was one of the most formidable and effective air superiority machines in WW2 was, only 5 years later relegated mainly to a ground attack role. The jet age had begun.
airline_seat_recline_extraMiG Alley South Korea   South Korea local_airport personMiGMan1999last edited: 27-07-2022
"The F-80 Shooting Star was flying in Italy in January 1945 but didn't see combat.
On the 8th of November 1950 a Shooting Star shot down a MiG-15 in what is thought to be the first jet to jet air combat encounter. The first 4 months of the Korean war saw the F-80 bearing the brunt of the combat with over 15,000 sorties being flown."
airline_seat_recline_extraMiG Alley South Korea   South Korea local_airportLockheed F-80 Shooting Star personMiGMan1999last edited: 27-07-2022
"The F84 ThunderJet often ran out of runway in the hot Korean weather and was known as the ""Groundhog"" because of this reluctance to become airborne. I noticed fairly quickly in MiG Alley that on take-off it is important to keep the flaps down until the speed has built up and to keep the climb out fairly shallow. Other fliers have reported that a ""flaps up"" setting is best for takeoff, with a very shallow climb out... barely clearing the treetops at about 2 degrees climb angle."
airline_seat_recline_extraMiG Alley South Korea   South Korea local_airportRepublic F-84 Thunderjet personMiGMan1999last edited: 27-07-2022
The F-86 Sabre is modelled in the A, E and F Variants.
airline_seat_recline_extraMiG Alley South Korea   South Korea local_airportNorth American F-86 Sabre personMiGMan1999last edited: 27-07-2022
Your have five fighter squadrons and two bomber squadrons under your command.
airline_seat_recline_extraMiG Alley South Korea   South Korea personMiGMan tagCampaign1999last edited: 27-07-2022
The Forward Air Controllers in MiG Alley are a first for Combat flight sims.
airline_seat_recline_extraMiG Alley South Korea   South Korea personMiGMan1999last edited: 27-07-2022
The aircraft in MiG Alley use the classic "Finger Four" formation. This was known to Commonwealth pilots (Canadian and Australian) as "High Battle Formation". According to Christie Harris, who flew for the RCAF in the 1950's, "You started as a wingman, with three practically foolproof opportunities for disaster.
airline_seat_recline_extraMiG Alley South Korea   South Korea personMiGMan1999last edited: 27-07-2022
Like most (all?) folks, my first flight in MSFS 2020 had to be to my childhood home.
airline_seat_recline_extraMSFS 2020 Australia   Australia flight_takeoffYSSY Kingsford Smith personMiGMan tagReview tagGallery2020last edited: 21-06-2021
In my first caching experiment I cached the Williamtown RAAF base near Newcastle. That only used 45mb of space, so this time I set my sights higher. Or broader.
airline_seat_recline_extraMSFS 2020 Australia   Australia personMiGMan tagConfigurationlast edited: 22-10-2020
What I said 18 years ago about Flight Sim 2002 seems totally applicable to this new sim:
Previously to get anywhere near this level of detail for a particular locale you would have to purchase a 3rd party scenery pack and then suffer abominable frame rates.

With the ability to automatically generate buildings, trees, static and flying aircraft and the associated radio traffic this package must have sent shock waves through companies whose business was based on enhancing the Microsoft sims. Still, the open architecture is there and the Pro version even includes an object / aircraft construction kit.

I'd imagine some business plans are hastily being rewritten and in the end we are all better off.

The sim has the ability to support computers and graphic cards that aren't even built yet - but they will be!

Yet it still runs on an average PC and looks good. Who could have imagined 10 years ago that this level of detail and complexity could be modelled on a PC? Only in my dreams!

MiGMan, 2002

airline_seat_recline_extraMSFS 2020 precision_manufacturingAsobo precision_manufacturingMicrosoft personMiGMan tagReview tagEditoriallast edited: 01-09-2020
On an unusually grey Sydney afternoon in October 2006 I was a guest of Microsoft at the launch of their new flagship product - Microsoft Flight Simulator X.
airline_seat_recline_extraMicrosoft Flight Simulator X personMiGMan tagPress2006
Proflight was the first flight sim I had seen since the Apple ][ in 1982. I had bought an Atari ST to arrange and print music for my string quartet and included in the package was a demo of this amazingly fluid sim, running at 600 x 400 pixels (in monochrome). There began my true flight sim addiction.
airline_seat_recline_extraProflight personMiGMan tagMiGMan’s Combat Diary tagHomepage1990
compare_arrowsFree radio sound effects  (link)
I use them in Voice Attack to mimic the sounds of radio comms, with a bit of static and crackle!
airline_seat_recline_extraVoice Attack precision_manufacturingVoice Attack personMiGMan
"Flight simulation fanatics should bookmark this site now"
... said Kevin Cheung in the Sydney Morning Herald.
local_airportMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum MiGPit precision_manufacturingMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum personMiGMan tagPress2001last edited: 22-06-2024
MiGMan talks Simulation
Join MiGMan in the cockpit for a chat about flight sims and related stuff!
local_airportMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum MiGPit personMiGMan tagMiGMan’s Combat Diary tagPodcast2021last edited: 11-03-2021
MiGMan in the Press
local_airportMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum MiGPit personMiGMan tagPress2021last edited: 10-03-2021
Date: Sunday September 27th, 2020
Locn: MiGBase (Australia's Area 51)
Aircraft: MiGPit experimental
Pilot: P.C.
Added a second MFD and sent P.C. on a test flight.
airline_seat_recline_extraPrepar3Dairline_seat_recline_extraAir Manager local_airportMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum MiGPit personMiGMan personP.C. tagMiGPit2020last edited: 27-09-2020
In 2010 I bought a Lenovo 560 laptop, which has proved to be an amazingly reliable bit of kit, only retired from flight line service in 2020!
local_airportMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum MiGPit personMiGMan tagMiGPit2010last edited: 01-01-2010
2006 Pentium rigged for silent running.
local_airportMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum MiGPit personMiGMan tagMiGPit tagMiGPit2006last edited: 01-01-2006
2004 Pentium 4 for Microsoft Flight Sim 2004.
local_airportMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum MiGPit personMiGMan tagMiGPit2004last edited: 01-01-2004
personMiGMan2000last edited: 01-01-2000
personMiGMan2001last edited: 01-01-2001
personMiGMan2004last edited: 01-01-2004
personMiGMan2010last edited: 01-01-2010
Article by By Kevin Washington in the Baltimore Sun.
precision_manufacturingMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum personMiGMan tagPress2001last edited: 22-06-2024
"The team at MiGMan's Combat diary have done a fantastic job cataloging the history of desktop flight simulations. We owe them a great many thanks for all their combined efforts, helping us to remember the heritage of this ever-expanding hobby." Kenji Takeda, PC Gaming World Feb 2000.
personMiGMan personKenji Takeda tagPress2000last edited: 22-06-2024
PC Planet magazine Denmark, December 2000 | MiGMan content on their website.
personMiGMan tagPress2000last edited: 22-06-2024
Added to the MiGPit in 2020. By late 2023 the Warthog stick developed a loose wire / contact somewhere in the stick, resulting in random control inputs and view changes. A little bit annoying, especially on finals. I repurposed the Warthog throttle as a lighting (and other) control panel on the right side of my 'pit, so it lives on for a few years more.
local_airportMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum MiGPit precision_manufacturingThrustmaster personMiGMan tagMiGPit tagMiGPit Mk.VI tagHOTAS2020
MiGMan Fanfare
"I composed this fanfare in 2006 to promote a proposed Television series. "MiGMan Fanfare" (c) 2006 Peter Inglis. All rights reserved."
local_airportMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum MiGPit precision_manufacturingMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum personMiGMan tagAbout the FSM2006last edited: 01-01-2006
In late 2001 I breathed new life into the Celeron-466 with extra RAM and a new video card, new monitor and a CD R/W. | Celeron, not Cylon.
local_airportMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum MiGPit personMiGMan tagMiGPit tagCockpit tagHomebuilt2000last edited: 01-01-2000
In 1995 MiGMan and PC paid a visit to Amberley, a RAAF base in sunny Queensland, Australia. as guests of No.1 Squadron. Australia is the only country in the world operating the F-111, the Americans called it the "Aardvark", or "Vark"... the Aussies call it the "Pig". Aardvaark is Afrikaans for "Earth Pig"
Australia   Australia flight_takeoffYAMB RAAF Base Amberley local_airportGeneral Dynamics F-111 Aardvark military_techRAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) personMiGMan1995last edited: 14-07-2023
I used to fly in my own home-built own cockpit, which shared scale with an F-16 if not much else! It was programmable if you had a day or so to spare!
local_airportMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum MiGPit personMiGMan tagMiGPit1992last edited: 01-01-1998
8Mb RAM and a 15" CRT monitor. This was as good as it could get!
local_airportMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum MiGPit personMiGMan tagMiGPit1992last edited: 01-01-1992
Re-reading the specs reminded me that the 1040 was ahead of the pack for a little while with it's 4096 colours and built in midi sound.
local_airportMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum MiGPit personMiGMan tagMiGPit1988last edited: 01-01-1988
In 1982 the Apple II represented a huge leap forward in personal computing power.
local_airportMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum MiGPit personMiGMan tagMiGPit1982last edited: 01-01-1982
Holiday snaps I took in Boston, August 2009 as a guest of Flying Singer and his charming family.
USA   USA personMiGMan tagArchitecture2009last edited: 11-08-2022
As part of the grand overhaul of the MiGBase in late 2020, I replaced a mess of external hard drives and their associated power supplies and USB cables with a nice little ICY BOX!
personMiGMan tagI.T. tagHardware2020last edited: 06-10-2020
personMiGMan2020last edited: 27-10-2020
Douglas DC-3 flight over Sydney, Australia, 2006
On an unusually grey Sydney afternoon in October 2006 MiGMan was a guest of Microsoft at the launch of their new flagship product - Microsoft Flight Simulator X.
The creme-de-la-creme of Australia's gaming journalists gathered at Kingsford Smith Airport, Sydney, and embarked on a champagne flight over Sydney Harbour in a C-47, the military transport version of the Douglas DC-3.
Australia   Australia flight_takeoffYSSY Kingsford Smith local_airportDouglas DC-3 precision_manufacturingMicrosoft personMiGMan tagIRL tagMiGMan’s Combat Diary2006
Table based comparison of the F-111 Aardvark, and it’s proposed replacement, the F-35 JSF.
Australia   Australia local_airportLockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II military_techRAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) personMiGMan2006last edited: 05-08-2022
Yes, back in the day, before the mighty internet, people used to talk on the telephone (a communication device which was attached to the wall.
local_airportLockheed Martin F-16 Falcon personMiGMan tagCockpit
First Australian Flight Sim Expo 2004
MiGMan was keynote speaker at Australia's first ever Flight Sim Expo, held in the old Ansett terminal at Kingsford Smith International Airport, Sydney.
Australia   Australia flight_takeoffYSSY Kingsford Smith precision_manufacturingMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum personMiGMan tagPress tagFlight Sim Expos2004last edited: 01-01-2004
I was a keynote speaker at Australia's first Flight Sim Expo.
personMiGMan personP.C. tagPress tagFlight Sim Expos2004
personMiGMan2020last edited: 20-09-2020
App management has gone from iTunes. Batteries that die every couple of years. Expensive hw. Time to migrate to Android.
personMiGMan tagMiGPit tagEditoriallast edited: 24-09-2020
personMiGMan2020last edited: 05-10-2020
My first flghts
As the title says: 'My first flghts' in many varied and wonderful aircraft. Each flight a new adventure!
personMiGMan tagMiGMan’s Combat Diary2023
... and having fun while I'm about it!
I enjoy flying the F-16 fast and at treetop level... who wouldn't! But at all levels I was getting stuttering and slowdowns. The stuttering being much more immersion breaking that any slowdown. Anyway, cutting to the chase after hours and hours and hours over many nights, I worked out the single most important graphic setting (for my rig). And it's one I would NEVER have guessed.
airline_seat_recline_extraPrepar3D local_airportLockheed Martin F-16 Falcon personMiGMan tagGraphics2020last edited: 13-10-2020
I obtained this in 2001 to try and run some of the older DOS sims which just refused to run on my Celeron-466 .
personMiGMan tagMiGPit2001last edited: 01-01-2001
I demonstrated the HOTAS Cougar and TrackIR, flying a MiG-29 in LOMAC, then flew in s DC-3 with Junglist to the official launch of Microsoft Flight Sim X.
Due to help from staff at the ORBX forums, the Canberra scenery revealed it's full glory!
airline_seat_recline_extraPrepar3D Australia   Australia personMiGMan tagScenery tagAdd-on2020last edited: 05-10-2020
Peter Inglis’ submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Inquiry into Australian Defence Force Regional Air Superiority, 2006
Australia   Australia military_techRAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) personMiGMan2006last edited: 05-08-2022
personMiGMan2020last edited: 13-10-2020
The MiGMan Fanfare
I composed and orchestrated this fanfare in 2006.
precision_manufacturingMiGMan’s Flight Sim Museum personMiGMan tagMusic tagPress tagAbout the FSM2006last edited: 01-01-2006
Rise of the Pentium. This is the year the Flight Sim Museum was born.
personMiGMan tagMiGPit1998last edited: 01-01-1998
Flight Sims are inherently much more complex than most game genres, and therein lies the secret of their long term attraction.
personMiGMan tagEditorial2009last edited: 15-04-2024
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